"Run with Nature"
"Run with Nature"
"Twin Earth"
"Twin Earth"
"Eternal Flower"
"Eternal Flower"
"Suspended Latitudes"
"Suspended Latitudes"
"Pink vulva vortex processional"
"Pink vulva vortex processional"
"The past"
"The past"
"The golden down"
"The golden down"
"From the beginning"
"From the beginning"
"Inside the Ornament"
"Inside the Ornament"
"Run with Nature"
"Run with Nature"36w X 18hc.2019
"Twin Earth"
"Twin Earth"36w X 18hc.2019
Untitled18w X 24hc.2019
"Eternal Flower"
"Eternal Flower"12w x 24hc.2019
"Suspended Latitudes"
"Suspended Latitudes"48w X 48hc.2019
"Pink vulva vortex processional"
"Pink vulva vortex processional"49w X 60hc.2016
"The past"
"The past"28w X 48.5hc.2016
"The golden down"
"The golden down"96w X 49hc.2019
"From the beginning"
"From the beginning"48w X 48hc.2019
"Inside the Ornament"
"Inside the Ornament"20w X 24hc.2019
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